
LOGOSWEB®. Libraries Software in the Cloud

LOGOSWEB® software is a complete CLOUD system of Libraries 2.0 management and informative collections, developed in WEB architecture 2.0. By its innovative technology, is what exists as the most modern system of Libraries, Documentation and Information Centers. LOGOSWEB® uses the latest technologies in the world, based on free software which follows the international standardization of content for WEB. Moreover, it can be run in languages Portuguese, English or Spanish, allowing tight integration with a number of countries, creating a true community of users and manager of info.

Smart development

LOGOSWEB® works with free databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL) and proprietary (Oracle , MS SQLServer and Sybase), moreover, allows the creation in many instances and Virtual Libraries, types containing links to content and direct access to videos, audios and several types of files, including DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, TXT and PPT. Also, the System contains a module of multilingual Thesauri Poly-hierarchical which enables creating thesaurus, taxonomies and ontologies applied either at time of indexing and search time. This fact grants to the users highly advanced research, providing system migration to the next evolutionary step: the Semantic Web.

Total integration

To ensure compatibility with the systems more conventional used around the world, LOGOSWEB® fully integrates with the WEB format MARC 21, allowing users to create their own worksheets of data entries in an easy and intuitive way. LOGOSWEB® has all MARC fields specified by the Government, which enables users to select and create their own cataloging worksheets. In this way, the worksheet generated provides to the cataloguer the best MARC interface.

Operatin Platform

• Developed in Java;

• Runs on the application servers:
Tomcat, JBOSS, Weblogic, Websphere;

• Full text search:
Lucene, Apache project;

• Proprietary databases:
Oracle, MS SQLServer and Sybase;

• Open databases:
MySQL or PostgreSQL;

• Compatible with the following systems operating (server):
Windows, Linus, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, or any others that have JVM and

Compatible servers;
• Compatible with the following systems operating (client):
Windows, Linus, MacOS, or any others that have one of the browsers compatible.
• Compatible Browsers:


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